Friday, June 28, 2013

God’s Always At Work

Yes, I started another study.

Without planning it, without looking for it, and after I had just said I had too much on my plate. I had already decided the study our church was holding wasn’t speaking to me.

Then while reading my blog roll I popped over to LPM and found…


Beth Moore at Living Proof Ministries is doing a Siesta Summer Bible Study 2013 online and it’s with Gideon. After my wonderful experience with Daniel, I wanted to check out this Gideon guy. Oh my goodness, the way Priscilla brings him to life is so amazing and inspiring, that I found myself wanting to to learn more.

So yep, I signed on for a summer study after all.

I am already behind as I jumped on board at week 2, and my book isn’t even here yet, and I have to do 4 weeks of homework by July 9th. The best part of it though, I can do it from home! Not having a car (I will have to explain that one on my blog sometime) I just stay home and putt around, unless the husband takes me somewhere I need to go. One can only clean, garden, read and watch movies for so long. Sure a lot of projects are getting completed and some new ones beginning but I was beginning to feel like something was or is missing.

I love it when God see’s it before I do and is able to present it right when I need it.

I guess He wanted me to do this cause it just kind’a landed in my lap, or shall I say laptop!

When I began reading week 1 notes and listening to the video, I got what God needed of me. Now to fully understand it and how. It doesn’t matter how far behind I am, cause in God’s plan, I am right where I am suppose to be doing exactly what he planned I'd be doing, right down to that not knowing and Him knowing I don’t. Then as unsure as I am, somewhere or sometime down the path, I become sure, and it’s all because of Him. How awesome is that!

Since this study will be done at my pace and at my time, I’m thinking it will be easier for me. I’m thinking it will also help me to continue working on and finish up with my journey with Daniel.

Oh and while I was reading the other day, Jennifer Rothschild newsletter had this information…


WMN Bonus: Enter to win a copy of Jennifer's Fingerprints of God Bible Study Member Book by answering the question or leaving a comment on her video page. A winner will be drawn randomly.

I am looking forward to her Fingerprints of God bible study. I will order the workbook (if I don’t win one) to have on hand for when it is His time for me to do it, but do it I will!

Hope you stick around on my journey through the Bible and that it brings you some peace in your life as He has in mine.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Life Update

I wanted to pop on here quickly to let those who are reading this portion of my blog know that I have not given up on Daniel. I did have did throw in the towel with Making Sense though. With everything on my plate right now, there is no way it will ever get cleaned if I keep adding more to it.

Hopefully over the next couple of months we should have some of the answers to some of our prays, or at least some direction might be presented, but in reality God's work is never ending and it is His time and His plan.

New meds have my brain captive right now and after 3 weeks on them I am learning how to regain some of what I was able to do before that darn bug knock me down. Baby steps! One day at a time!

Keep praying. Keep popping in and I know He will give me the words to finish Daniel with you.

What about you? Is something bogging you down? Is God speaking to you and it is just so crazy you can barely hear Him. Maybe there is a study that will help you grow as He plans.

It's not to late to get onboard the Siesta Summer Bible Study 2013 by Living Proof Ministries. I'm a week behind myself but can get caught up quickly. I ordered my book today and the first 3 sessions of Gideon to further understand the study. I will not punish myself for going a different pace, or at times a different route, just so long as the destination remains with what God intended..

Each morning, as your eyes open to greet the day, greet Him first. Thank Him for the new day and take it from there. God doesn't need an hour of your time all the time. He loves those little moments too.

See you again really soon.

Monday, April 22, 2013

"For I Know the Plans I Have For You,” declares the Lord, (Jer 29:11)

Seriously, has it been a month?

I am sooo sorry to leave you all hangin'.

God is working here. Prayers are heard, while more are said. It is one crazy cycle we are on! I have no clue where it will or when it will stop spinning so we can get off. I am so dizzy!

However, this ride did not stop me from completing Daniel. I wasn't able to go to study the last 2 weeks due to conflicting appointments, but through emails, internet and determination, I completed it. I can't wait to finish it with you. It might be a bit longer before I can achieve this, so please, keep praying for me. For my family. For resolution. For Strength.

Tomorrow starts our next series, Missing Pieces, real hope when life doesn't make sense, by Jennifer Rothschild. You might remember I did her series Me, Myself, and Lies, a thought closet makeover. That was a tough one back then, but my closet is better for it and allowed other work to be done to it as well.

God has once again put something in front of me that will hopefully help me make sense of all this. First Babylon and Daniel, just when I needed it. Now this. Boy does He ever know what I need before I realize I need it and has already set things in place for me. Think it's just a fluke? I don't! The more I recognize the work He is doing, the more He does. Gosh, I am just so excited to continue to learn all He has planned.

Someday, maybe, I can share the complete story with you all instead of these little tid bits. It's just it involves so many, and a number of things, that though separete from each other, tend to have the same feelings and results. God has had a plan for me from the get go. Just like before, I will lean on Him, He will guide me, and I am even more patient and calm this time around. I know the work He can do, has done and will continue to do as I live by His answers. Yes, He aswers! He always does.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Where Is Daniel 3 Part 2?

I really hate to interrupt this wonderful study, but I have not been able to keep my thoughts straight this last week.

Literally my head is spinning!

Beside working through the chapters of Daniel, our personal life has a few things going on. It wouldn't be normal if on this journey through life, they didn't come in multiples. So, it is best to slows down a bit and not stress so much over things I have no control, control the things I can, and give God the time He needs for it.

Oh by golly, I try to give it ALL to Him and know I can TRUST Him. I try to keep in constant communications with Him, but I - am - only - human.Thoughts of fear of the unknown, of the results, can consume me. I then have to follow up with more prayers for more patience. If anything, He does have my full attention!

Rejoice always,  pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Please pray with us as we move through this unknown territory.

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. (John14:27)

I only have 2 more weeks of group study which will then allow me more time on here. Daniel 3 Part 2 will be available soon. Please be patient with me.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Daniel 3

No Smell of Fire

Getting through week 2 of the study was challenging. I tend to embrace it so deeply that my head swims with information. She wanted us to learn and learning I am doing. Sometimes confusing, sometimes overwhelming, but all the time to grow more toward Him. As I blog about this, something that wasn’t so clear the first time, becomes clearer. If you want to experience this study, don’t wait for it to come to you. Maybe God is calling you to facilitate one of your own. God wants you to step up and make some noise.

The question Beth Moore asked us:

“Are we the same at church as we are when we are away from church?”

If I was able to get to church on a regular basis, I would have to say yes and no. Ah Ha, part of my insecurities? I don’t try to be anyone other then who I am. At one time or another I would pretend things were better then they were but never me. I didn’t and don’t dress to please anyone else. I have clothes in my closet that are not of this decade or the last. I am comfortable and at times might feel as if I am not dressed like other ladies, but it doesn’t stick with me long. Sometimes I do myself up, but for the most part, I’m just a plain Jane. A little mascara, light eye shadow, pink up the checks and I’m done. I never understood all the hoopla with make-up and hair styles. I’m just not comfortable made-up, I think I have always been a ‘this is what you get'’ kind of gal. My sister use to try and do all these hair styles on me for school pictures, and honestly I love how they came out, but after, I was in the bathroom, washing my face and combing out my hair. Back when I had to make myself up for conventions and banquets, I couldn’t wait to get back to my room and change back to me. Thankfully my sister and I were the same size so I would borrow from her for these events. After 35+ years of these events I still only have 3 formals in my closet and they haven’t been worn in ages. I guess I’m a bit like my grandfather Joe. My mom use to tell me tales of him going to church in his overalls. Being a rancher, a shepherd of God, seriously he raised sheep, he use to say something like, “I did put on my good clothes, these are only for Sundays.” I believe he always knew his place with God.

Going off topic just a bit because it added a piece to a very difficult puzzle.

I guess there might have been a time it might have embarrassed her. We all have had those moments when our parents embarrassed us and I can picture that being one of hers. My grandfather in his overalls at church! Being probably 14-16 in 1935-37, having no mother since the age of 7, aunts and friends had taught her the things she knew and going to church in your Sunday best was one of them. For her, I think she was different at home then at church. I don’t ever believe she idolized anything other then God. I loved my mother at church. She always had a glow about her. Being the baby girl, it was like our special time while the others were in school. I understand now how she was held captive by wounds she never knew how to deal with or heal with accept through God. What a great example to set. I get sad when I think of her living in that Babylon. I remember wanting to free her from it in my twenties. Not knowing it then, God was already taking care of it. I watched, listened, and absorbed many of her qualities, her faith, strength, devotion, love, and her abilities to remain focused on God. My rebelling years, my dark days, where given light because she planted those seeds. Don’t us moms all want to be like our mom’s! If that is an idol, then I am guilty. I believe she was a gift from God, for me to cherish through His eyes. Success mom!

Food for thought; Do you get caught up in the image or idol of self?

Taller When Others Bow 

He then summoned the satraps, prefects, governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates and all the other provincial officials to come to the dedication of the image he had set up. (Daniel 3:2)

Daniel shares his vision about what the statue symbolized and yet Nebuchadnezzar built it anyway. Not only did he build it, he made everyone bow down to it. He held a dedication for it that only the most VIP’s would attend.

“The inspiration for building an image doesn’t come from the Holy Spirit.” (Dan. 2:36-40)

God wants us not to be served, but to serve. (Mark 10:42-45)

Lose your life for Him, and you saved your own life (Luke 9:24-25)

Babylon was all about image, not about God. However, when something finally did shake the king who did he turn to. The God of Daniel, and Daniel tried, but old King Neb still didn’t get it till he got it! His conditions to bow to the idol was another example of not hearing the whole message. Did he not hear that the statue was a warning of what to come. I don’t think I would have built the thing that was causing me the nightmares. Nothing like bringing them to life. But Daniel, he just kept on praying, again defying an order.

Another Side of Self Absorption

So the satraps, prefects, governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates and all the other provincial officials assembled for the dedication of the image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up, and they stood before it. (Daniel 3:3)

King Neb had a willingness to look taller by making those around him seem smaller. His Babylon was his glory but never was it meant to be glory for God. Keep reminding yourself that God already laid out the chain of events and how they would unfold. Daniel would again remind good old King Neb of that.

But not only can we build up a better image of ourselves, we can also build a poor self-image.

She asked us to review the Babylonian motto: “I am, and there is none besides me”.

Besides none prettier besides me, richer, smarter, we can take it the other way as well.

“I am ugly, and there is none as ugly as  me.”

“I am a fool, and there is no bigger fool then me.”

Rather you build yourself up or down, both are a form of self-absorption.

John 15:8, 16 reminds us of our purpose in God’s word.

“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”

As she tells us, we were not wired to be worshiped. But worship the word of God. King Neb was insecure even with his title. Remember the taller he got, the smaller everyone else got. He really like being bigger then life, and he had a statue, bigger then life. The worldly way says to seek position, the word way says, “Seek God”

“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. (Daniel 3:13-16)

Wow! This only brings us to the end of day 2. If I am going to blog about this journey I need learn how to reduce and simplify. However there is nothing simple about Babylon and much to say if we want to be a Daniel. With that said, I need to do this chapter, and maybe others, in two parts if I am to fully blog of how this study impacted my life. The problem I am having is finding the time to blog while on my current chapter. So, until I am finished, which is only 3 more weeks, postings will have to come second. Where we are now in the study is shaking our world and I can only continue to see God’s direction. So hang on, stand by, don’t turn the channel, part 2 will return next week, same time, same channel.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Daniel 2

A Dream and a Kingdom.

(Remember I said that this was going to be a work in progress, well as I recap each weeks study I will use her workbook as my guide. I will highlight questions she asked and that had an impact on me. Though I am over half way through my study, I can’t begin to tell you how much it has excited me. As I fumble back through it to write about it excites me even more.

Studies help us to unravel, untie or tie up loose strings so we can get closer to our faith. I believe though my heart was in the right place, my mind was what’s had been held captive, and they continually fought with each other. I now know had I not gone through those things, walked that path with him how I did, I would have missed the message. My captivity back then was with trust and it was what was holding me back. Instead of hiding on the path, I knew it was time to step out, and up to His challenge. I’ve been in the fire and the lions den a number of times. He showed me time after time I could trust him. My trust issue was being held captive by what was my own Babylon.

I’m getting ahead of week 2’s lesson plan though, but had to share how excited I was. I might not be able to trust certain humans, but I CAN, and I DO, truly and deeply, believe I can TRUST Him!.

If you want to learn more about the bible, you don’t have to wait for a study to come to you, at Lifeway you can buy your own studies. When I have missed a week, I buy the video of that session so not to get behind. I also plan to buy a few other studies I have seen but have yet to see come through our church. It’s a blessing and I praise God daily for making that possible.)

Onto week two.

A Royally Troubled Mind

In the second year of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; his mind was troubled and he could not sleep.Daniel  2:1

A haunting dream, a troubling dream that would keep him up at nights. He wanted answers and demanded others to give them to him. He intimidated them with death, and still they were unable to interpret it. At least not a human or of this earth. I love that little stab to the king.

Can you remember your last spirit-striking dream?

Oh, yes! Sometimes I to was even afraid to go to sleep. They were definitely consistent, and sometimes so intense they too woke me in a jolt! I have only been able to share a few of them with 3 very special people in my life. A blog doesn’t seem the right place. Let’s just say some of my dreams made me feel very unsettled, the only thing I could do was pray and seek counsel. And just as God promised, and in His time, I do see the work He did and the work He is doing.

“What the king asks is too difficult. No one can reveal it to the king except the gods, and they do not live among humans” (v-11)

Urgent Tact, Urgent Prayer

He urged them to plead for mercy from the God of heaven concerning this mystery, so that he and his friends might not be executed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon. Daniel 2:18

Daniel being one of the wise, he saw no reason for him or the other wise men to be put to death. He confronted the king and asked for time to interpret the dream. Now he put his life on the line. And what did Daniel do, just what we have done when we are faced with a problem – Put our TRUST in God and PRAYED on it!

Then Daniel praised the God of heaven 20 and said:

“Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;
wisdom and power are his.
21 He changes times and seasons;
he deposes kings and raises up others.
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to the discerning.
22 He reveals deep and hidden things;
he knows what lies in darkness,
and light dwells with him.
23 I thank and praise you, God of my ancestors:
You have given me wisdom and power,
you have made known to me what we asked of you,
you have made known to us the dream of the king.

Do you thank and praise Him for what He has given you, or made known to you.

When you’ve lived on a roller coaster of a life as I have, how could you not. I wish I could have recognized or received such detailed messages from God. Only God knew exactly how things would work out, remember he warned years earlier this was going to happen. Having been faced with moments that turned your tummy upside down, you know you’re in the devils den, how could keeping God close by not be a benefit. Looking back, I can see why, how, and through it, Praise God!

Praise to the God of Heaven

During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of Heaven. Daniel 2:19

Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah not only had to trust God: they had to trust Daniel as having heard from Him. Most of us have been in a position where we had to trust God’s message to someone else that also concerned us (a spouse, boss, pastor or trusted friend to name a few).

She asked if we were every in a position were we had to trust not only Gods message but who received it, when not to us.

I can honestly say YES! I even had to add more prayer to continue to trust it. Being raised with so much doubt, trust was/is my biggest issue. I continue to grow in it and through Him I have learned to trust more then I could before. Still a work in progress.

What if you are the one that can’t be trusted? I hate to admit it, but if I am to be true to my studies I must stand up on this one. To lose someone’s trust hurt, especially when it was someone you loved. Even though it was not the intention, the actions, or words did create a wound, that was then not properly treated or healed, and it destroyed trust. Oh how I wish I had met Daniel back then! During this struggle, God showed me why they couldn’t trust and why I shouldn’t trust them. Had I not already been searching for that connection back in 1989, when I was forced into the fire, the lions den, falling upon God for the strength to get through it helped me realize who I could trust and also who trusted me. I still believe the steps I took WERE by God. I did not have the tact or integrity of Daniel, but my stand was for the better of those I loved. No one can ever say which way was right but God, and I believe when you are trying to do what He would want you to do, losing the trust of someone you loved for the better of God’s children was the ultimate sacrifice. I have no regrets for God took them all from me and for me.

That was one tough section to get through, integrity!

When I confessed to God I could not be, nor could I trust those people, He called out to me, “Can you TRUST me!” You bet I can! Oh what an awesome God He is!

“I thank and praise you, God of my ancestors: You have given me wisdom and power, you have made known to me what we asked of you, you have made known to us the dream of the king.(Dan. 2:23)

She asked, “What kind of person would you need to be should God choose you to be the “me” drawn from the “we”?”

I believe I understand what God wants and I pray daily for His guidance. Always did and always will. Only now I am not as silent about it. I was quieted for a time, while he continued His work within me. When He is ready to use me for His purpose, I will be too!

Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.”

If we are to develop Daniel-like character, we need to practice Daniel-like approaches.

From Me to You

He changes times and seasons: he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. Daniel 2:21

“Every believer in Christ is called to extol the greatness of God and voice the manifold evidence of His faithfulness.” In other words, we are to make joyful noise, be it singing, writing, teaching, drawing, our skills are by Him, each different but yet for the same glory.

“God’s sovereignty means that He has supremacy over all things and does whatever He desires with whomever or whatever He pleases.”

If I hadn’t said it yet here, it’s time to share one of my Aunt’s favorite sayings to me, God knows all, see’s all and takes all into account! He did with me what was needed. Even when I thought I wasn’t ready, he believed I was and carried me through.

Thank goodness even the most foolish can be become wise. Godly wisdom is ours for the asking. Daniels point is that God continues to give wisdom to those who have a track record of receiving it.

Trials and Temptations

2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.

When my doubts and lack of trust caused me to fly about in the wind, I began to see just how unstable we really were. Since He has taken and given all he has promised, if ever I doubt, or mistrust, I only need to call upon Him for direction. How can you go wrong with that!

I wish I could write or describe how she does why Daniel was the only one who received the message. All four were supposedly worthy, yet only Daniel saw the vision. They all had to trust in him that the interpretation would cool the kings jets. Remember he was on edge and ready to chop them into pieces.

Read Daniel 36-45 for his description of the dream.

“The great God has shown the king what will take place in the future. The dream is true and its interpretation is trustworthy.” (vv.45)

I loved how she laid it out for us. Each portion of the statue represents a world empire: (see v.21)

  • The head made of Gold (vv. 32, 37-38)

Famous ruler: Nebuchadnezzar

Historical fulfillment: Babylon Empire 626-539 B.C.

  • The chest and arms made of Silver (Dan 2:39)

Famous ruler: Cyrus The Great

Historical fulfillment: The Media-Persian Empire 539-331 B.C.

  • The belly and thighs made of bronze (vv 32, 39)

Famous ruler: Alexander the Great

Historical fulfillment: Grecian Empire 331-63 B.C.

  • The legs made of Iron (vv 33,40-43)

Famous ruler: Octavian, (entitled Augustus), Tiberius, Nero

Historical fulfillment: The Roman Empire 63 B.C – A.D. 476

  • The feet made of Iron and Clay (vv 33, 41-43)

She write, “Possible interpretations: The two feet may represent the outgrowth of the divided Roman Empire. As stated earlier, the toes on the feet may very well represent a political system yet to come. Ten horns foretell a Ten Kingdom (or ten-nation) confederacy that will operate jointly at the time of Christ’s return (Dan 7:7,24 Rev. 13:1;  17:12)”

The rock in his dream represents the kingdom of Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. This kingdom will fill the whole earth.

God is the Rock! He will fulfill all his warnings! He has proved it time and time again.

There’s a Kingdom Coming……

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


If you have been following Our Journey Through LIFE you already know the journey and how faith held a big part in it.

I believe I'm ready to share with you the Bible Studies I have done along the way. Ok, I’m a bit scared but am taking a leap of faith. Bear with this novice blogger, (though I have been doing this for 6 years) it still takes me some time to put it all together with all the tabs and such. Hey, like me, it's God's work in progress!

Over the last 4, almost 5 years I have participated in a number of small group studies when the topic spoke to me, or I just happen to fall into one by the grace of God.

Which is what happened with my present study!

You see, last year I did Nehemiah by Kelly Minter. Then Malachi by Lisa Harper. Or maybe it was the other way around. Either way they both jump started my desire to know the bible more. So when it was time for winter group to start I never saw my usual update. I finally registered when I saw a friend had without even asking or inquiring about what the study was.

2 days before group I found out it was Beth Moore. Beth Moore intimidated me! You see, others would comment about how intense her studies are and I thought I would never be ready for one of hers.

Ok, did God direct me here for a reason? Did he hide the knowledge from me knowing how I would retreat? I prayed on it and decide, I CAN do this. My fear wasn't going to be my worst enemy this time.

However, I wish God would have presented this idea of blogging about it back when it began. Maybe he did and I just wasn't listening. Don’t we all fail to hear him sometimes? I know I am guilty of it.

Daniel, Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy"

Playing catch up with blogging about it while studying it at the same time is going to be a challenge but I will give it my best shot. 

Talk about an impact. Just in the first week alone, the representation of Babylon in Daniel, shook my socks. Doesn’t it resemble what the world is today! Could we be living in Babylon people?


Session 1 (Daniel 1)

It begins with commitment. Commit to wisdom and understanding. To LEARN! We all have choices to make. In her study guide she writes, "We have an enemy who wants to return us to places God called us to leave."

“In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it.”

I could never claim that I know it all, since I hold no training or degree in any professional field, other then life. I have never crammed for a final, nor have I wrote a thesis of any kind. I consider myself self-educated. No student loans. My tuition went to raising a family of 5 on a one paycheck income. I would not be one King Nebuchadnezzar would pick. Shoot, I was the one no one wanted to pick for their team! Though youth would have been on my side, I did not have the appearance, knowledge, nor social status. I would be considered a pauper, a peasant, a servant.

“Now then, listen, you lover of pleasure, lounging in your security and saying to yourself, ‘I am, and there is none besides me. I will never be a widow or suffer the loss of children.’

You have trusted in your wickedness and have said, ‘No one sees me.’ Your wisdom and knowledge mislead you when you say to yourself ‘I am, and there is none besides me.”

Isaiah 47:8 & 10

Babylon. Western culture. The parallels are amazing. Some days I feel like we are living back in Babylon. It's a "Me" world. Got this for "Me". Look at "Me". It's sad. The greedy, shameless and loathsome acts upon each other, for what? Surely not for God! Surely it is for their own gain. Where is God in their lives and the decisions they make.

God was always faithful to keep his word, even when it’s a warning! He continues to warn us, who is listening? When will the decaying morals and standards of the world not be the norm.

Recently, and before I even began this study, I revisited something from the past.


"He remains sovereign in our captivity"

She writes, "Nothing is more dangerous than friendly captivity. Captivity never remains friendly!

Captive by the past. Captive by bills. Captive by health issues. Captive by worldly ways. I think a lot of us are being held captive by so many things, where does one start in resolving them? He is and He always will be the one the saves us from the fire. If we ask Him, serve Him, He will restore us in His glory.

First, God already knows what's going on here. After all, he’s been dealing with the human race for over 2000 years. He is a patient God, but at the same time he WARNS us, continually!

“Both prophet and priest are godless; even in my temple I find their wickedness.’ declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 23:11

We begin by example. We have a responsibility here. Our children need us to show them the way, His way! The smallest of seeds can grow the biggest of produce. Plant your seeds in God and watch how your garden grows. Be sure to nurture your garden, protect it from the pesky bugs that try to destroy it. Be careful what you plant. Some things we think are good for us really are not. When ever you question, ask God, He knows the answer.

God, I ask you, were you thinking of me when you helped Beth write such a strong study? From the first session I have felt you whispering to me, " Do You Get It! I brought you here to hear this, for I have a plan for you". I get chills, along with excitement over this study. Does it effect other’s the same way? Does it make me a Bible Thumper? Seriously, some people just don’t get it.

So there was week one.

“In every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king questioned them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom.” Daniel 1:20