Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I Didn't Mean...

...For a year to go by so quickly!

When it began with a death, then another, then another, it really was a normal year for anyone going through what we did. One death anniversary is over, another one is coming up, and a couple months break before the last one arrives. Though we had been through a death pattern like this before, this time it was different, yet the stages remained the same.

...To not have the desire to write about the bible studies I was struggling through! Still am. I might just redo them again once my heart is stronger. I tend to not see the truth when I am in such darkness and as I read over what I wrote in the sidelines, it shows. Fight Back with Joy, is back on my side table.

My health issues tend to overwhelm me at times and effect my ability to even want to write. Putting together a post can be difficult. Then, to have my faith thoroughly crushed to my bones, writing a post was the last thing I wanted to do. My anger in everyone, including God and Jesus ran rampant! Praise God others knew and know how to wrap their wings around me, embrace me and love me through it.

I am slowly regaining ground, all while walking on some kind of rocky, uneven surface at the same time. The path might not be perfectly smooth, but I think I know how to manage it.

I just bought the book...

I really love Beth Moore! I love her courage and her energy. I have already done a number of her studies, and though the homework can be overwhelming, the results are surely embraced. Someday I hope I can get to a live event so I can feel all that energy.

I am also doing Lisa Harper's online study of...

I had a hard time receiving my code for the free downloads so I ordered my own set of the DVD sessions. I might be a bit behind with the online study, but I am right where I am suppose to be for my study.

Please check back from time to time. 

Que Sera Sera, What ever will be, will be!