Friday, June 28, 2013

God’s Always At Work

Yes, I started another study.

Without planning it, without looking for it, and after I had just said I had too much on my plate. I had already decided the study our church was holding wasn’t speaking to me.

Then while reading my blog roll I popped over to LPM and found…


Beth Moore at Living Proof Ministries is doing a Siesta Summer Bible Study 2013 online and it’s with Gideon. After my wonderful experience with Daniel, I wanted to check out this Gideon guy. Oh my goodness, the way Priscilla brings him to life is so amazing and inspiring, that I found myself wanting to to learn more.

So yep, I signed on for a summer study after all.

I am already behind as I jumped on board at week 2, and my book isn’t even here yet, and I have to do 4 weeks of homework by July 9th. The best part of it though, I can do it from home! Not having a car (I will have to explain that one on my blog sometime) I just stay home and putt around, unless the husband takes me somewhere I need to go. One can only clean, garden, read and watch movies for so long. Sure a lot of projects are getting completed and some new ones beginning but I was beginning to feel like something was or is missing.

I love it when God see’s it before I do and is able to present it right when I need it.

I guess He wanted me to do this cause it just kind’a landed in my lap, or shall I say laptop!

When I began reading week 1 notes and listening to the video, I got what God needed of me. Now to fully understand it and how. It doesn’t matter how far behind I am, cause in God’s plan, I am right where I am suppose to be doing exactly what he planned I'd be doing, right down to that not knowing and Him knowing I don’t. Then as unsure as I am, somewhere or sometime down the path, I become sure, and it’s all because of Him. How awesome is that!

Since this study will be done at my pace and at my time, I’m thinking it will be easier for me. I’m thinking it will also help me to continue working on and finish up with my journey with Daniel.

Oh and while I was reading the other day, Jennifer Rothschild newsletter had this information…


WMN Bonus: Enter to win a copy of Jennifer's Fingerprints of God Bible Study Member Book by answering the question or leaving a comment on her video page. A winner will be drawn randomly.

I am looking forward to her Fingerprints of God bible study. I will order the workbook (if I don’t win one) to have on hand for when it is His time for me to do it, but do it I will!

Hope you stick around on my journey through the Bible and that it brings you some peace in your life as He has in mine.

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